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Advancing the Right to Food in Scotland - Nourish Scotland

08 February 2022

Starts: 18:00
Ends: 19:15

Tuesday 8 February    6.00 - 7.15             online

Our food system can deliver healthy people, rewarding jobs, a thriving environment and more; our food policy must enable us to get there

Promoted by Nourish Scotland and hosted by Rhoda Grant MSP in partnership with the Scottish Food Coalition, this event will interrogate why Scotland needs the right to food.  How can we ensure that food policy is founded in human rights, with social and environmental justice at its heart.  We will explore Rhoda Grant’s right to food consultation, and the Good Food Nation Bill as key opportunities to strengthen human rights in food policy.

Register here

Speakers will include:

- Dr. Donald Macaskill, Chief Executive, Scottish Care

- Dr. Hannah Tweed, Senior Policy Officer, Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland

- Cara Hilton, Policy & Public Affairs Manager (Scotland), Trussell Trust

- Bryan Simpson, Hospitality Organiser, Unite the Union

- Jamie Caldwell, Community Organiser, Unite the Union

The event will include speaker presentations, a Q & A session followed by discussion.

We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.